The Practices for Special Sundays

The Practices for Special Sundays:

To live an enlightened life, practices should be both transformative and challenging, helping you to elevate your consciousness and deepen your spiritual understanding. I’d love to do these practices with you every day, but for the boot camp, we will have a 4-6 hour mini retreat every Sunday.

Here are the effective, powerful, and intense practices we will be doing every Sunday during the boot camp:

1. One Hour Strong Determination Sitting

   - This practice develops deep concentration and mental fortitude.

2. Self-Inquiry

   - This practice is an investigation into the source of your thoughts and sense of self. The aim is to dissolve the ego and reveal your true nature.

3. Shadow Work

   - In this practice, we reflect on your subconscious fears, desires, and unresolved emotions. The goal is to help you integrate these aspects of yourself, leading to greater wholeness.

4. Heart Coherence Practice

   - We will focus on the heart center, and cultivating feelings of love, gratitude, and compassion. This practice aligns your emotions with a higher state of consciousness.

5. Breathwork

   - We will practice various breathwork techniques, to calm or excite the nervous system, release stored emotions, and access altered states of consciousness.

6. Mindful Walking Meditation

   - We will walk slowly and mindfully, focusing on each step and the sensations in your body. Sometimes we will work on embodying certain qualities or even This practice cultivates present-moment awareness and deepens your connection to the here and now.

8. Satsang (Spiritual Discourse)

   - Description: Attend or listen to spiritual discourses or teachings. Engage in discussions or reflections on these teachings, which can inspire deeper insights and realizations.

9. Weekly Reflection and Intention Setting

   - Description: At the start of the day, set a clear intention for your spiritual practice. In the evening, reflect on your day, noting your progress and areas for growth.

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