Overview of the Course Content and Goals

Everyday during this 30 day Enlightened Living Boot Camp, you will do the transformative work that will move you more and more towards living an enlightened life. Each day, you will do the most effective practices that will cultivate the qualities of enlightenment, such as mindfulness, inner peace, unconditional love and overall well-being in your daily life. Through a series of guided exercises, meditations, and reflections, you will learn how to be more and more the true, Divine self, and live a life more aligned and in flow.

By the end of this course, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the foundational principles and practices of living in enlightenment, as well as the tools to overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate positive habits.

The outline of this boot camp:

We’ll be meeting as a community, live on zoom most days of the week, and you will also be given a link to a private facebook page.

You will be assigned carefully chosen “micro-practices” every day. A micro practice is something that you can do in real time in your daily life, or sometimes it’s a closed eye practice that will take 2-3 minutes a day. These micro-practices are meant to keep you in alignment with the highest levels of consciousness, and carry these into the “real” world.

You will learn the qualities of an enlightened being. Because the goal is to live as an enlightened being, this will give you a clear target to aim for.

The key concepts and principles to live by to BE more and more Enlightened will help you to think in a new way that will align you with enlightenment.

You will be guided through the process of setting a clear intention. Your individual intention is so powerful, and to amplify this power, we will be meeting regularly on zoom to have group intention “circles”.

You’ll learn about the practice of seva, or selfless service, and why it is CRUCIAL for living an enlightened life. There is a simple daily seva challenge during this boot camp, and it is so important to your enlightenment journey that you do this challenge.

There are several practices that are so powerful, that I’ve included them in every daily module. My hope is that these practices will become a natural daily habit for you by the time we reach the end of this boot camp.

You have the option to have an accountability partner who is also participating in the boot camp. Even though this is not a requirement, it is strongly encouraged that you take advantage of having an accountability partner. You can help each other to stay on track, and offer each other support and motivation.

As part of this boot camp, you will have access to free spiritual mentors who have been on this spiritual journey for many years, who can answer questions and can guide you through overcoming obstacles on this path.

Strong determination sitting is one of the daily “assignments” in this boot camp because it is a very powerful practice that has been used for centuries to move towards enlightenment. I have included a mindfulness bell audio in each daily module that will increase in duration as you progress through the boot camp.

Strong determination sitting is my personal favorite practice for training for endurance, resilience, and well… determination. You will learn other techniques to train for mental and emotional resilience and equanimity.

You will learn effective practices for profound inner peace. Mindfulness meditation and the meditation practice of iInviting in perfection are two examples.

You will be given several breath work practices to explore to instantly regulate your nervous system. Breath work can be used to calm the mind and body, or to wake the mind and body up - like a good cup of coffee. Conscious breathing will help you to increase well-being, peace, and mindfulness.

You will learn how to eat mindfully. This is important because eating can be one of the most common areas of life where people slip into unconsciousness. Eating slowly, mindfully, and intentionally is great training for remaining conscious.

Part of the training in this boot camp is to help you to love unconditionally. Loving kindness meditation, heart coherence, emotional rehearsal, forgiveness, and practices for self love and self compassion are practices we will do to wake up the heart.

You will learn to move towards selflessness and ego transcendence though self inquiry, contemplation of connectedness and oneness, deepening self-awareness and inner growth

Clear and direct perception of reality is one of the qualities of an enlightened being, and you will explore the Vipassana meditation, Zazen Meditation, body scan, and mindful observation.

We’ll be doing the practices of presence and awareness, such as walking meditation and focused attention meditation.

You will deepen your wisdom and insight through meditative contemplation and mindful inquiry.

You’ll learn to cultivate non-attachment through meditation on impermanence, and deep surrender.

You’ll learn what shadow work is, and its importance in healing emotions. Shadow work goes deep into the subconscious and integrates the “shadow” into the whole self.

The David Hawkins’ letting go technique will help you to transcend the lower and even the higher states of consciousness and surrender deeper and deeper to Divinity.

Radiant joy and contentment are among the most enjoyable facets of enlightenment. Visual emotional rehearsal and other simple practices are very effective in helping you to be more and more joyful in every day life.

Enlightened beings live with moral integrity and righteousness. These qualities can be integrated into who you are through the night review, self reflection, mindful awareness, interconnectedness, and loving kindness meditation.

Equanimity is a state of stability and composure even in the face of difficult emotions and thoughts, and even physical pain, that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. This is an extremely important quality of enlightenment. You will learn the ”Accept, Embrace, Release” meditation, the eraser method, trigger work, and breath work to foster more and more equanimity.

Cultivating gratitude and appreciation is a big part of what you’ll be learning in this boot camp. Oneness meditation, embracing all that is meditation, and generosity meditation.

You’ll explore the magic of yoga nidra. Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, or psychic sleep, is a way to slow brain waves and put the body to sleep while the mind stays awake.

Once you’ve learned all of this, you will put it all together and integrate these practices into daily lifE. You’ll learn to create a customized plan for spiritual practices for continued growth and spiritual development.

We’ll close this boot camp with deep surrender and letting go of attachments to live in Divine flow.

Take advantage of the amazing bonus included in the boot camp:

Chakra Work and Kundalini Energy Course

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