The Next Boot Camp Starts October 4, 2024

30 Days to More Enlightened Living

October's boot camp is to live in higher states of consciousness, as an Enlightened being - no matter what comes up.

Included In Each Boot Camp

Become Selfless

progress in your spiritual journey, and at the same time to contribute to the goodness of the world...

Practice with Like Minded People

4-6 days a week, the participants of the boot camp will come together to practice the most effective meditations. This is a great time and place to get to know other spiritual seekers.

Downloadable Meditations

You will have lifetime access to guided meditation that were all created with the ultimate goal of helping you to live in higher levels of consciousness as a higher version of yourself.

3-4 Day Immersions

Spending hours each day to the most effective and powerful spiritual work together, could skyrocket you into high levels of consciousness.

Let's Talk!

Connect with other spiritual seekers, and share stories and experiences, ask questions, and support one another.

Learn and Grow

Every boot camp includes two workshops that will help you to learn the principles, and deepen your understanding of the practices, and learn new techniques to move towards living an enlightened life.

What Are the Monthly Boot Camps?

The monthly boot camps are designed to move you outside of that terrible place that is keeping you stuck - the comfort zone. All of the beautiful highlights in life are outside of the comfort zone.

Boot camps are 30 days of intensive learning and practice, with each day building on the last.

Each day, you will be provided with clear, step by step instructions, guided exercises or meditations, live workshops, homework assignments, and seva challenges.

We will meet live on zoom for discussion groups, practice meetings, intention circles, workshops, and the monthly retreats. All of this is included in the boot camp - for $33. That's $1.10 a day.

Why We Do "the Work"

In meditation, we are transforming on our inner world, and this will create change in our outer world. We also work on our outer world, to create change in our inner world. so that we can create change in our outer world...and on...and on...

The boot camps are always a challenge that will require your commitment and dedication. The pay off is a happier, wiser, more peaceful and centered YOU.

The Universe is a mirror. Massive transformation happens when you take the "inner" work (EVERY DAY) to your "outer" life.

What's Possible When You Participate In The Boot Camp

If you want to get unstuck and experience major breakthroughs within yourself and in your everyday life, the boot camps are for you.

Each boot camp will guide you to take clear, powerful action every day.

We do the powerful meditations, and take the powerful actions. Imagine how different your life would be if you could take the peace, joy, and love that you experience in meditation into the world.