When You Change Your Energy, Everything Changes

I’m very excited to share this course with you. We will be exploring breathing practices, visualizations, some walking and sitting meditations, hypnosis and even NLP in order to release the blocks within our subconscious minds that are preventing us from naturally moving toward a wonderful life.

Amazing Course Benefits

⭐️ We’ll learn how to open up our hearts to receive love
⭐️ We’ll open up our entire energy field to receive all kinds of good things
⭐️ We’ll learn about transforming through the night review.
⭐️ We’ll learn why and how it benefits us to practice loving kindness and gratitude
⭐️ We’ll amplify our ability to heal ourselves and others
⭐️ We’ll receive guidance from the divine
⭐️ We’ll receive guidance from a “panel of light beings”
⭐️ We’ll receive guidance our own hearts
⭐️ We’ll receive guidance from our highest self
⭐️ We’ll learn to move up the emotional scale and increase our vibrational frequency
⭐️ We’ll learn about the miraculous benefits of blessing EVERYTHING
⭐️ We’ll learn about the chakras, and we’ll be purifying them and amplifying the energy in each one
⭐️ We’ll talk about embodying the highest self
⭐️ We’ll learn about the incredible effect that our emotional addictions have on our lives, and we’ll learn to create new, higher, empowering emotional addictions.
⭐️ We’ll learn to honor our emotions, hear the messages that they are bringing to us, so that we can release them
⭐️ We’ll learn why a third eye awakening is LIFE CHANGING
⭐️ We’ll learn how to awaken the third eye
⭐️ We’ll learn about why it’s so wise to surrender, and we’ll learn how to do it
⭐️ We’ll learn to move the chi, prana or life force energy while we are walking
⭐️ We’ll learn about about changing our responses and tackling challenges as highest self in order to create the best outcome.

Meditations included in this course:

⭐️ Loving Kindness and Gratitude
⭐️ Night Review
⭐️ Morning Meditation To Create Your Day
⭐️ Heart Opening
⭐️ Chakra Alignment
⭐️ Walking As Your Highest Self
⭐️ Honoring Emotions
Spiraling Up the Emotional Frequency
⭐️ Third Eye Awakening
⭐️ Overcoming the Challenges As Your Highest Self

Sample Meditation From This Course

All meditations are professionally recorded and designed to help you to upgrade energetically. This meditation is called "Divine Guidance and Chakra Alignment Morning Meditation".

The Curriculum

  Welcome To Transformation!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Are You In Survival Mode?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Survival, Stress and Emotional Addiction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Setting An Intention
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Morning Meditation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Where is our heart closed off?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Heart Coherence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Loving Kindness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Night Review
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Get You S#!^ Together!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What Is Grounding?
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Chakras
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Why We Walk
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Check In With Your Intention
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Help From A Spiritual Guide
Available in days
days after you enroll

Join the Community to Get Immediate Access to ALL Courses

When you join the community for as little as $11 a month, you will receive:
⭐️ Instant access to all courses and all meditations
⭐️ Biweekly live meeting to amplify the power of our intentions
⭐️ Weekly live guided meditations and exercises to help you to live in higher states of consciousness
⭐️ Monthly challenges to help you to get unstuck
⭐️ Attend ALL of the monthly intensive workshops

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